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The Mahatma
Miss Angus and Miss Hindsleysurprise arrival
The following interesting account tells us of a ‘surprise arrival’ Gandhiji once gave at satyagraha ashram in February 1925 to Misses Angus and Hindsley who were sent from Adyar, Madras, to the ashram by Dr. Annie Besan to learn carding, spinning etc. so as be able to train others at Adyar. Gandhiji had then not returned to the ashram after the Belgaum congress and the visitors were received by Sri Devadas Gandhi and Mrs. Gandhi. A few days later Sri C. Rajagopalachar arrived. Gandhiji was also expected any time. The two visitors write in their leaves from a diary that “at 10.30 a.m. the whole ashram adjourns for its midday meal. At 11 a.m. we went to the Gandhi bungalow. Mr. Rajagoopalachari was awaiting us and was in good spirits. Just as we were about to begin our meal an Indian gentleman crossed the garden and there were loud exclamations. It was Mr. Gandhi’s private secretary and they were all asking him where Mr. Gandhi was. Suddenly from his room at the end of the verandah came a voice saying, “ Somewhere” and a moment later the great man came through the door and we were introduced to him. He extended a very warm welcome to us and made many enquiries as to whether all our creature comforts had been attended to by his people. He has a very charming manner and the thing which struck us most was the rich quality of his voice and his wonderful command of English. He had returned from Belgaum where the congress session had been held and evidently in excellent spirits for the vitality radiated from his frail figure.”