Programme of Gandhi Birth Anniversary: 2nd October, 2017
25 September, 2017

Gandhi Birth Anniversary: Non-Violence Day: 2017
October 02, 2017, Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
Guest of Honour: Governor Shri Om Prakash Kohli
Chief Guest: Dr. Arun Kumar Dave
On the occasion of 149th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and International Non-Violence Day, on October 2, 2017, the All Religion Prayer will be held at Sabarmati Ashram. The Hon. Governor of Gujarat, Shri Om Prakash Kohli will be guest of honour. The managing trustee of Lokbharti Gram Vidyapeeth, Sanosara, former Vice Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Editor of ‘Vigyan Darshan’ and ‘Kodiyun’ megazines and a social worker Dr. Arun Kumar Dave will address the gathering.
Morning Programme
8:30 am All Religion Prayer.
9:00 am Introduction: Shri Amrut Modi.
9:05 am Speech: Chief Guest Dr. Arun Kumar Dave.
9:45 am Address by Hon. Governor of Gujarat, Shri Om Prakash. Kohli
10:05 am Vote of Thanks.
5-00 pm Award Function of ‘Dhai Akhar Campaign’ of Department of Posts, India. Chief Guest: Shri Manoj Sinha, Minister of Communication, Govt. of India.
We cordially invite you, along with your family, friends and colleagues to participate in the above programmes.
Jayesh Patel Amrut Modi
Sabarmati Harijan Ashram Trust Sabarmati Ashram Preservation & Memorial Trust