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The Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT), Ahmedabad has instituted a Fellowship programme. Scholars may apply for the award of Fellowships at the SAPMT. The Fellowships applications are accepted through the year, however the selection committee meets twice a year.

    The proposed rules and norms for the Fellowship programme are as under:
  • 1. The fellows are called Sabarmati Fellow.
  • 2. The fellowship is available to scholars and practitioners, including writers, artists and performers, for research and writing on the broad thematic of life, thought and impact of M K Gandhi and the Indian National Movement.
  • 3. This Fellowship is specifically designed to enable Scholars to use the Archives and the Library of SAPMT.
  • 4. The Fellowship is a residential programme; that is during the period of Fellowship the Fellow is required to be in residence at the SAPMT. For local fellows the residential requirement is interpreted as not residing at the SAPMT, but being present at the Ashram for five days a week.
  • 5. The Fellowship is available both through invitation and application.
  • 6. The term of Sabarmati Fellow is from 1 month to 3 months and would carry a bursary of Rs. 25,000/- (twenty five thousand only) per month and each Fellow would be provided with hard furnished accommodation and study area with computer and internet facilities. The Fellow is entitled to a two way economy class air fare from place of work to Ahmedabad and back, within India. For overseas Fellows the SAPMT would provide economy class air fare from the closest port of entry.
  • 7. The Trust SAPMT would appoint a three member selection committee. The list of selected Fellows will be placed before the Standing Committee of the Trust for ratification.
  • 8. The Fellow is expected to give one seminar at the Ashram upon joining and one before the expiry of the term of Fellowship and submit a report of work done at the expiry of the fellowship. The Fellow is expected to provide due credit to the SAPMT if and when the work is published or presented in any format.
  • 9. The Fellow, if in service, is expected to obtain necessary leave form the organisation where the Fellow is in employment.
  • 10. Proposals involving empirical work requiring data collection through extensive fieldwork would not be considered.
  • 11. This round of applications will close on 15 September, 2017. However, applications will be accepted through the year. These are considered once or twice a year depending upon the number of vacancies arising from time to time.
  • 12. There will be three Sabarmati Fellows in residence at a time.
  • 13. The application can be downloaded from the website: The application on the prescribed form may be sent to:

    The Director,
    Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust,
    Gandhi Ashram, Gandhi SmarakSangrahalaya,
    Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 380027 INDIA.

  • Only applications in the prescribed application form would be considered by the SAPMT.

    Sabarmati Fellow Application Form can be made using PDF | MS Word
  • 14. For Submission or further questions & queries, please contact us at archives[at]gandhiashramsabarmati[dot]org.

Associate Fellow

    The proposed rules and norms for the Fellowship programme are as under:
  • 1. Candidates registered for Ph.D. programme may apply for Associate Fellow Programme.
  • 2. The monthly bursary of Rs. 18,000/- (eighteen thousand only) shall be available to selected Associate Fellow.
  • 3. The term of Associate Fellow is for two months.
  • 4. There will be one Associate Fellow in residence at a time.
  • 5. All other terms as outlined for the Sabarmati Fellow would apply to them
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